Based between Denver and New York City, HOLDTIGHT holds space for the union of acknowledging where you came from and honoring where you are.

Based primarily in Denver, with roots stretching to New York City, HOLDTIGHT Company cultivates a unique blend of artistic influences that honor its origins while embracing its evolution. Originally hailing from Denver, Artistic Director Gwendolyn Gussman has spent the past decade immersed in the vibrant artistic landscape of New York City. Through the vehicle of her company, Gussman artfully bridges her past with her present, weaving together the threads of her upbringing with the experiences that have shaped her as an adult.  

In every HOLDTIGHT production, this fusion of influences is palpable, as collaborators from both Denver and New York City contribute their talents. While these cities boast global reputations, many of HOLDTIGHT's collaborators have deep connections to one or both locations, whether through birth, upbringing, or residency. This shared background infuses each production with a sense of "homegrown" familiarity, resonating with audiences across diverse communities.  

HOLDTIGHT's dual base in Denver and New York City offers more than just artistic diversity. It also underscores the ecological and psychological dimensions of the company's work. With casts split between these two cities, HOLDTIGHT explores the interconnectedness between urban environments and the human psyche, delving into themes of identity, belonging, and environmental consciousness. This dynamic interplay enriches the company's repertoire, inviting audiences to reflect on the profound relationship between place and personal growth.

Learn more about our work in each location: